
Aladdin Steel, LLC is a well-established and growing company located in Gillespie, IL that
specializes in carbon steel tubing and pipe products since 1976. Under new ownership, we pride
ourselves in providing unmatched service to our customers in an ever-growing and changing

Aladdin Steel, LLC is guided by the following principles:

  • We set the standard of excellence by providing our customers with the highest quality
    carbon steel tube and pipe, stored in the greater Midwest, and distributed nationwide.
  •  Communication is our priority from start to finish. Ensuring we are available to answer
    any questions and completing orders accurately the first time helps to assist our
    customers meet their deadlines.
  •  Our goal is to always provide consistent, reliable service as well as the highest quality
    products and results to our customers. Additionally, we strive to empower our team
    members to grow professionally and personally.

Aladdin stocks one of the largest and most diverse inventories of steel tubing and pipe available
in the United States. We have over 250,000 square feet of interior storage and carry 5,000 tons
of steel tubing and pipe; including traditionally hard-to-find products. We also offer a variety of
value-added services. At Aladdin Steel, we strive to provide expedient services to our customers.

Under new leadership, we are excited to continue growing our customer base while creating an
atmosphere where our team can excel with the knowledge, skills, and abilities they possess while
striving to never stop learning.

Having quality team members who collaborate openly and effectively helps set the tone of
trustworthiness our customers expect. Our current employees are a testament to the atmosphere
we have created, with 53% having over 20 years of service. When speaking with candidates, we
focus on identifying how well their skillset and attributes match our culture and goal for

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